The Guest House -- RUMI
This being human is a guesthouse
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness
Some momentary awareness
Comes as an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture
Still treat each guest honorably
He may be cleaning you out
For some new delight!
The dark thought, the shame, the malice
Meet them at the door laughing
And invite them in
Be grateful for whoever comes
Because each has been sent
As a guide from the beyond.
By the 6th morning of being woken at 4:30am to chanting over the LOUD speakers, I was all about it! I've hardly gotten much sleep at the Ashram, but there's a buzz inside of me that wouldn't have it any other way. I awake and enter the dark morning from my 15th floor room that my roommate and I call "the penthouse". I don't want to miss out on witnessing this culture's fierce hold on ritual, tradition, and tireless spirituality. It's humbling and fortifying.
This hasn't been easy. In fact it's been pretty difficult. Not because I was greeted by a dead bat in my bathroom bucket upon arriving or that I can't take a shower, or that the Princess and the Pea is sleeping on a floor mat. All of that pales in comparison with what I'm really facing. Before I left for my trip a friend of mine said this grain of absolute truth, "It's not so much where you go in India, because India is an internal experience. It will take you there where ever you are." Right now I don't have a choice, I have to look inside, because this is who I want to be, and this is the way that I've chosen.
As internal as it is, new and beautiful friends are abundant. To be one of the drops moving in this vast sea of seekers; sharing, struggling, questioning, laughing, and crying all together makes it all the more rich.
Photos are coming soon!